St. Paul's Secondary Hall Project

SPI (Secondary) needed a hall to conduct daily school activities and to conduct semester and public examinations. The school exams were held in classrooms whereby a row of pupils have to sit along the corridors. Some afternoon session classes had to be cancelled during public examinations as their classrooms were used as examination rooms.
The school initiated a donation drive and ECM Libra Foundation donated RM1,058,000 for the construction costs of the hall. The person responsible for obtaining such a generous commitment is none other than an old Paulian, Dato' Lim Kian Onn, the CEO of ECM Libra.
After 108 years, St. Paul’s Institution (Secondary) finally has a hall to call its own. The hall, named Dewan Yayasan ECM Libra was officially opened by the Deputy Education Minister, Hon’ble Dato’ Hon Choon Kim on 14 July 2007. He praised the school, its ex-pupils and all donors for their contribution and announced an allocation of RM100,000 from the Ministry of Education. Also present were Rev. Bro. Thomas Lavin, Brother Visitor, Rev Bro. Felix Donohue, former Brother Director of SPI, Mr. Lim Kian Onn, a trustee of ECM Libra Foundation and founder and Managing Director of ECM Libra Avenue Bhd, Tan Sri Dato’ Chan Choong Tak, former principals, teachers, ex-pupils and parents.
The RM1.17 million hall was initiated by the Parent Teacher Association (PIBG) and the Old Paulians’ Association. The construction started in August 2006 and was completed in April 2007. ECM Libra Foundation donated RM1,058,000 for the construction. Many well wishers and old boys of the school donated generously either in cash or in kind.
Progress Pictures
In conjunction with the construction of the new SPI (Sec) Hall, the school organised the above Run on Saturday, 30 June 2007 at St. Paul's Institution (Sec) Seremban. The run was officially launched by the Hon'ble Dato' Peter Lai Nyit Fee, NS State Exco member, representing the Right Hon'ble Dato' Seri Utama Haji Mohamad bin Haji Hasan, Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan.