New Membership
Open to all former students, serving teachers and past teachers of St. Paul's Institution, Seremban.
Entrance Fee :RM 5.00
Annual Subscription Fee :RM30.00 per year
Open to former students of other La Sallian Schools.
Entrance Fee :RM 5.00
Annual Subscription Fee :RM20.00 per year
Open to an applicant, an ordinary member or an associate member.
Entrance Fee :RM 5.00
Membership Fee :RM150.00
Annual Subscription Fee :NIL
Application for membership, to be proposed and seconded by members in good standing, shall be made on a Membership form.
The application shall be submitted to the Hon. Gen. Secretary who shall table the same to the Committee of Management for approval. The decision of the Committee of Management shall be final. Please send your membership form together with the entrance fee and subscription to:
Hon. General Secretary
Old Paulians' Association,
Paulian House
No. 324-1 (Lot 3029) Taman Bukit Kaya,
70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Should you have any membership enquiries and would like to enrol as a member, please contact our Hon. General Secretary:
Mr. Tan Kok Chin 012-6662288 or e-mail us at opa@paulians.my